ongoing projects :
- HQI [Christophe Vuillot]
- ANR PRCE SoftQPro: Solutions logicielles pour l’optimisation des programmes et ressources quantiques [Atos-Bull, LORIA, CEA, LRI] (2017-2022) [Simon Perdrix]
- EPIQ (PEPR Quantique 3.2 EPIQ – Quantum Software – Étude de la Pile Quantique)
- NISQ2LSQ (voir description)
- projet européen NEASQC
- MURENE (action exploratoire INRIA)
- H2020 MSCA-RISE CID – Computing with Infinite Data. (2017-2023) [Mathieu Hoyrup]
- European projet HPCQS [Simon Perdrix]
- projet STIC AmSud QAPLA (Quantum aspects of programming languages) [2021-2022]: Argentina,Chile,France,Uruguay [Simon Perdrix]
MOCQUA is a member of the associate teams :
- TC(Pro)³ : Termination and Complexity Properties of Probabilistic Programs;
- QASAR : Quantum Architectures, Small and Reliable.
past projects :
- ANR PRCI (France-Singapour) VanQuTe: Validation des technologies quantiques émergentes [LIP6, LORIA, SUTD, NUS, NTU] (2018-2022) [Simon Perdrix]
- PIA-GDN/Quantex [Atos-Bull, LORIA, LRI, CEA/Leti] (2018-2020) [Simon Perdrix]
- STIC-AmSud project FoQCoSS: Foundations of Quantum Computation: Syntax and Semantics (2016-2017), STIC-AmSud 16-STIC-05. [Simon Perdrix]
- LUE Future Leader [Simon Perdrix]